Published in Mental Health News
“Because I believe in the Bible, which teaches to love and welcome the immigrant and because… I’m an American.”- . What wondrous words by our Cardinal Dolan in regards to the immigration crisis in this country and in the world. (May 12th issue). A statement that should be placed in front of every church, for we have an obligation and duty as Catholics to assist all those within our means for their needs. We cannot chose only those words of Jesus that pleases us.
We must go forward or our society will eventually fail. Representatives running for office today seem to forget the needs of the least, those who cannot defend themselves in all stages of life. We must step beyond our fears and see how shallow and harmful words and Un-Christian actions can be. The Cardinal’s statement brings hope and faith that can light the way for one person, one family at a time. It is a pity that more cannot be helped. It is a tragedy that so many fail, so many lives lost because of one’s place and time of birth. We all have an obligation and shall be judged by our actions and inactions within our received gifts. Our actions today can effect so many generations to come – hopefully constructively.