Articles published in My Daily Visitor
February 8th, 2008 Friday St Jerome Emiliani & St. Josephine Bakhita
Freeing the Soul
Today, we celebrate two very different saints, both of whom faced imprisonment of body and mind. Only through this prison was their spirit able to grow. As a prisoner of war in the early sixteenth century, one was forced to find inner meaning, finally learn how to pray. About 1875, St. Josephine was sold into slavery at seven years of age. Childhood, adolescence, body stolen from her. Even her name was a sad play on her life – Bakhita means fortunate. While in the prison of slavery she was drawn to Catholicism.
We are all prisoners. Our individual crosses bear heavy upon our bodies and soul. We must find a way to release ourselves/soul and seek deeper harmony with our God – a God who knows our struggles. Remember we have our faith, family and friends.
There are many trials ahead Lord, please be with me. Let me not forget you.
February 9th, 2008 Saturday
Letting Go, Let God
Leaving everything behind. Imagine that. Today’s Gospel tells of the ‘Resurrection’ of Matthew. It is just that. As with all who follow, it’s a new beginning. Death of the familiar, the false tapestries. Cast these off or suffer the pain of serving two masters.
I see elderly parents holding on to the past temporal, trying to control their lives. (Who really has control?) With my mental illness, I too must relinquish, everyday, the old patterns of a prior life and seek other pathways, a new resurrection of mind and spirit.
We must let go, pass through this new door, for a new life. Accept. Grieve the past, fulfilled or unfulfilled. Seek this ascension. Seek resurrection or live with bitterness. A new spirit is waiting, with new tasks and responsibilities. Remember the bigger picture.
May I clearly here your call, Lord and follow the intended way.
February 10th, 2008 Sunday
That First Step
The readings today focus on temptation and sin. After years of preparation as the child of Mary and Joseph, Our Lord faces his first of many recorded trials. Training is complete with baptism from John and Fatherly blessing/approval. It is time to face the devil – alone. These temptations focus on the human desires. Is our spirit strong enough to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh?
This purification with presumed anxiety was necessary. The first step and test had to be taken. We all have and must continue with the first step. With illness the first step out of bed may be the most difficult. Throughout the day we must apply the discipline learned. Has our training been adequate? Do we have the blessings of our Father? Is the spirit stronger than the flesh?
Lord, please instill within, strength of faith, will and confidence to face my trials.
February 11th, 2008 Monday Our Lady of Lourdes
A Warning and Chances
One this date in 1858, Our lady made the initial of many appearances to St. Bernadette Soubirous. In similarity to other apparitions, The Virgin was humble in front of the most humble of us. At Lourdes, penance was stressed. In today’s Gospel, Matthew writes of the final judgment of nations. Together, they offer a road map for all and a way to return to this desired path thru reconciliation.
Mary appearing to us with humility and respect, knows, understands our struggles and faults. All stray. He offers us the sacrament to return. We must make use of these tools freely given to us. Remember, His forgiveness in unbounded. Their hearts were pierced for us. He does want one thing in return: love Him and others. That’s that only requirement. Isn’t it fantastic.
Lord, I know what you expect of us, but please be my guide with loving patience.
February 12th, 2008 Tuesday
An Instruction Manual
Today, Our Lord teaches all the greatest prayer. There are many types of prayer, of petition, thanksgiving, the Rosary. Much has been written. Our Catechism offers a wonderful summary. We read our driver’s manual, cook books, how to books, but how many have read the instructions of our faith. Don’t let the title and terminology of doctrines hold you back. It is for you and I. Ask you priest for the latest version or a summary and just browse through. It is not a novel, so read any part that pleases. Inquiry. It can be good for the soul.
Remember, in our first breath of The Lord’s Prayer, we speak its most important word: “OUR”, in every language, in every culture, in every time we are united by Our one true Father.
I pray, all that I read fills my soul with fruit for life and faith.
February 13th, 2008 Wednesday
Good Fortune for the Enemy
In Jonah, we read that the enemy of the believers believed. Nineveh, the enemy of Israel was saved. But the prophet wanted pain upon those he abhorred. When fortunate things happen to those we distaste, how are to react? Human traits as sour as jealousy, envy and vindictiveness are part of us. They are part of our world and the mystery of God’s actions. We must accept and follow the words given to us. They repented and welcomed God into their hearts and God welcomed them into His fold. Who are we to judge?
We should welcome the fortune of others. For through this we may see God’s handiwork and appreciate our good fortune as well. There is more comfort beyond what sooths the flesh. I must see this in my time of mental pain.
Please, Lord, in times of my darkness, direct me by your beacon of light.
February 14th, 2008 Thursday Sts. Cyril and Methodius
Two brothers, tied by blood and faith are honored today. They may be considered minor saints, but whose minor in the eyes of Our Lord. We all achieve glory and no one accomplishes anything alone. There are unnamed friends and helpers, always. We never know whose paths we cross – some minor saint may have or will cross our path, benefiting from our assistance. We all can aid the savior in some way.
Keeping it simple. Our Gospel today, records a sermon by Jesus part of which became known as The Golden Rule. Like many things our Savior taught us, much appears to be common sense, but no one before has ever put Love so simply.
To want from the Lord, we must go to Him. He may provide, but the effort must be our initiative.
Lord, may my actions always be for the benefit of You and Your loved ones.