Articles published in My Daily Visitor
Monday Weekday October 21
Romans 4:20-25/Luke 12:13-21
Greed Possesses
I have a bumper sticker,” There is enough for Human need, but not enough for Human greed”. Seen another, “Greed Kills”. There’s this oldie, “The one who dies with the most toys wins”. It’s sad seeing others falling to another of the score of human weaknesses. My anger arises over the waste created by greed/lust for possessions, denying others in need. A favorite movie, “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” shows the slow disintegration of a group of men mining for gold. Man losses much of his humanity when they are unable to look beyond the self as the object of their desire possesses them.
“Take care to guard against all greed,” say Jesus and it’s not just the physical/ material. Greed can consist be the overwhelming desire for control, power and sex.
When the material desires overwhelm the spiritual, may my soul find strength and purpose.
October 22 Tuesday Weekday
Romans 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21/Luke 12:35-38
A Father’s Faithfulness
Every weekday dad had the same schedule, up at 5 am, home at 5pm, maybe a side job at 7pm. Consistency, honesty, faithfully through decades of work he established a framework that I can hopefully pass down to my family, my son. A foundation received from his father.
Vigilant, faithfulness, loyalty, trust, those who practice will receive much grace, Jesus emphasizes today in Luke.
A nun was administrating in a male prison. When Mother’s Day came around she never had enough cards for the inmates. Thinking ahead she purchased multiple cards for Father’s Day. There was not a single request. Not one inmate desired a card of gratitude for their father. There was an absence of a father’s life in these inmates. There was an absence of male guidance; there was no foundation.
Lord, help me to be faithful in all aspects of life: work, friendships and family.
Wednesday Weekday October 23
[Saint John of Capistrano, Priest]
Romans 6:12-18/Luke 12:39-48
Choose Your Master
We’re all ‘slaves’. Before the first Christmas, we were slaves to our biological, emotional, psychological and physiological needs and desires. Through the institution of the Eucharist, the Crucifixion and Easter Sunday, Paul says our Lord has given us another choice, a new master.
With the gift of ‘free will’ I can take that choice of that very difficult road away from needs dominated by this physical plane.
In the course of my therapy and ongoing recovery, I experienced and witnessed many battles of the spiritual plane trying to free the soul from various encumbrances caused by birth – original sin. It’ll never be an easy struggle as our earthly self desires those things that hold us back. I know that my various ascensions will be hindered as I go through life’s phases.
Ease the obstacles, Lord, as I try to overcome our world to ascend to Yours.
October 24 Thursday Weekday
[Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop]
Romans 6:19-23/Luke 12:49-53
Shaken, Tested, Rebirth
I like to garden; its enjoyable most of the time. However, taking a plant and transferring it to new soil creates some apprehension. I’m afraid of damaging the root system, but sometimes it has to be done. Long ago, I read that when repotting some plants, it’s good to shake up and shake out the roots – remove some of the old soil clinging and give the roots a chance with new soil, unhindered.
St. Paul cites Jesus, saying He intended to create division amongst us (and within ourselves, I may add), to shake things up. No relationship will be safe from challenges He presents. Jesus will weed out the garden, making us feeling uncomfortable, forcing us to think differently, outside the box with the trials only He could offer.
Lord, make me strong in the face of not just Your challenges but all challenges.
Friday Weekday October 25
Romans 7:18-25a/Luke 12:54-59
Seeing the Signs?
A key to success in most relationships is being able to read those nonverbal messages that reflect emotions, thoughts and beliefs in changing, fluid relationships.
Luke tell us today of Jesus’ condemnation of the crowds’ unwillingness to see His works, His purpose because of their arrogance and stubbornness. If I focus too much on the self, on unimportant details, the bigger picture is often missed or misinterpreted leading to unintended, negative consequences.
I worked for a small accounting firm that eventually merged. Due to my inexperience and misapplied focus, I could not see, until it was too late, that the once familiar comfortable office culture was changing into something more aggressive and unpleasant. I was too focused on the day to day business; not observing the small world of my employment.
False signs and signs of truth abound, help me to distinguish Your words and work, Lord.
October 26 Saturday Weekday
Romans 8:1-11/Luke13:1-9
Spirit Triumphing Flesh.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. Again, St. Paul tells us to rise above the demands and desires of the flesh. To break away from what holds us as animals, what is temporary, Our Lord, from spirit to flesh to His sacrifice to fully human and divine, fashioned a path of true freedom, where we can shed desires of the flesh for the divine.
My enjoyments, my hobbies, my fears and worries all may keep me from achieving the higher plane for which we are created. They distract from the ultimate goal – being with Him. Time, age, wisdom, decrease the desires of the flesh, but the needs of the flesh increase with age, distracting us from the divine.
Help me keep, Lord, on the path toward the divine away from the physical self.
Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27
Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18/2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18/Luke 18:9-14
Know Your History
Today’s first reading is from the Book of Sirach. It is not included in the Hebrew Bible nor recognized by Protestant faiths, but why and is that important? Sirach, according to The Catholic Study Bible is “a collection of proverbs organized in such a way as to resemble short essays.” I remember some English literature classes being taught on how important the background of the story was as important as the story itself. The author’s personal history and the times/conditions under which the book was written, can reflect and enhance the book’s message and purpose.
There is much I would like to learn in our early history, especially from our Jewish heritage and its foundation along with the various influences of Greek thought. Some knowledge may really enhance my understanding of our faith.
God, lead me to a greater knowledge and understanding of all sects who follow You.
October 28 Monday Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles Feast
Ephesians 2:19-22/Luke 6:12-16
Human Fallibilities, Helpful?
Today, as we celebrate the Feast Day for Saints Simon and Jude, I will try to imagine, wonder how the disciples of Jesus were able to put aside their strong cultural differences and beliefs. How were they able to put aside their various egos, prejudices, competitiveness, jealousies and all those other “wonderful” character traits that make us human? Did the Divineness of our Lord somehow make these qualities insignificant? Or maybe their fallible humanity made them better disciples and apostles. As the twelve were selected, were the remaining disciples jealous? Did any give up and return home?
What would I do? Would I have been able to see the Divine and put aside my self-importance, my ego? Would I serve? Hopefully my heart would be aware and open, accepting what I could not understand and comprehend.
Help me, to be a good disciple, putting aside qualities the separate me from You.
Tuesday Weekday October 29
Romans 8:18-25/Luke 13:18-21
Radical Acceptance
Growing pains occur at all stages of life. Paul writes today that we are always growing within this world and within ourselves, this world is incomplete and pain/suffering will accompany us. Suffering is a result of not accepting pain. The acceptance of pain reduces the suffering is a belief in therapy called “radical acceptance”. Surrendering, accepting the uncomfortable situation(s) reduces the mental and physical anguish. Much distress is caused unwillingness, stubbornness and futile attempts for relief. By dwelling on certain future events that may or may not occur is not only a waste of time and energy, but negatively enhances and physical and mental discomforts.
By accepting the anguish of future dental work, my sense of well-being remained strong. Of course, there will be pain, but acceptance brings relief and a faster recovery.
Help me, Lord, to accept the growing pains of my life with hope and endurance.
October 30 Wednesday Weekday
Romans 8:26-30/Luke 13:22-30
Doing Enough?
The narrow gate, the first shall be last – powerful, frightening. I am doing enough? Am I being enough of a Christian? Or is it my scrupulosity taking control? Do I have the strength for this great effort needed to enter Heaven?
“Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, injustice, when He could do something about it. But I will not because I’m afraid He’ll ask me’, is an abridgement of a familiar quote. So I do what I can, where I can, hoping that’s enough and trust that God will place me in situations not too far out of my comfort zone. I hope I will not underestimate or overestimate my abilities/capabilities or as St. Francis’ prayer goes, to know the difference between what I can and cannot change/accomplish.
May Your hand Lord always guide me as I try to do Your work.
Thursday Weekday October 31
Romans 8:31b-39/Luke 13:31-35
God above All
“If God if for us, who can be against us?” Paul writes, and I would have answered, “Rome, the World”. The anguish the early followers must have felt; their loneliness as outsiders in a pagan empire that controlled most of the known world. Chronic illness can separate one from the ‘real’ world. While outside appearances and constant social/commercial images make it seem that no one else has worries, no one else is struggling, deep down I know how false this world and its trappings really are.
Of course, Paul through Christ has answers for those countless generations wanting to “see” beyond the physical constraints of their specific cultures – through His love, with the Trinity, God will aid me in my continuous internal and external struggles as He has done in the past.
Lord, help me to constantly repeat the mantras of Your love, Your salvation, Your strength.