Articles published in My Daily Visitor
February 11, 2010 Thursday (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Wonderful Visits
Lourdes, Damascus, Akita, Mexico City, Fatima, Knock, Bannuex, Medjugorje, Beauraing, etc. How wonderful! Our Lady has appeared throughout the world in different times to different cultures. She has foretold wars and calamities. She has prevented wars, calamities, healed individuals and entire peoples spiritually and physically. And Our Mother has sternly warned us, time and again to correct our ways. We hear but do not listen.
My favorite – Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mary spoke in the native dialect and her complexion resembled the native complexion. Most of all, she left her wonderful image on Juan Diego’s tilma, for all to see, to this day. This picture, of many meanings, for a culture that used images in lieu of an alphabet. The more we learn, the greater the wonder of Our Lady of Tepeyac Hill.
Lord, may those who desire pilgrimages to The Holy sites have their dreams fulfilled.
February 12, 2010 Friday
Mysterious Actions
Why does Our Lord tell the healed to remain silent? The healings will not long remain secret in the close knit communities of that time. His actions will speak for Him. By this, the faults of the braggarts, i.e., the Pharisees, will only become more visible. Our actions must speak for themselves. Words may come too easily to our lips. Action gains respect. Respect is essential for life and family unity.
Why does Jesus go through the physical acts of healing? Why does He use His saliva and hands to heal, when just a thought or a simple touch would have sufficed? Why does He walk away from the crowd to heal the mute? Let the theologians discuss. I’ll take the cure and one more individual believing and free from suffering.
Holy Spirit, be present in times of struggle and may I be silent and welcoming.
February 13, 2010 Saturday
Trust in the Moment
Something is happening in your village. Neighboring towns are a buzz with stories of a Rabbi not only saying, but doing things that must be an exaggeration. You’re a peasant, a conquered one – in other words a slave being ruled by force. You live day to day, from week to week, solely dependent on nature and the whims of distant kings. You have grasped on to hope before, will this man and His words be any different? You drop chores. Put aside responsibilities and venture with family and friends in search of hope. You are not thinking past the next sunrise. You are thinking of Faith and your fate. You will deal with the heat, absence of food, for something you haven’t felt since childhood- peace.
Can we venture the same today?
When needed Lord, I pray that nothing interferes with the mission at hand.
February 14, 2010 Sunday
Paradoxical Promises sustaining Hope
Writing on a muggy Sunday in July, this is the most difficult topic to date, – the Beatitudes. Not knowing where to begin, until I opened my not used enough, Catechism of the Catholic Church. Considering myself a good Catholic, there is so much to know, even with the help of my pastor, my spiritual director, EWTN, etc. This is a life long learning process and possibly after-life one as well.
The Beatitudes paradoxically show that earthly wealth is not true wealth and true happiness can never be obtained here. True fulfillment is not here but with God where our soul desires. I feel, they are paths to follow and are not for those whose goal is to be on the Fortune 500 listings. I need to remember this and seek His guidance constantly.
Lord, You gave these promises, help me to choose accordingly the proper paths.
February 15, 2010 Monday
Thickheaded and Preconceived Notions
I wonder what kind of sign the Pharisees were looking for. They have heard and seen so much, however, like the rest of us, they have preconceived ideas about the way things ought to be. As a child, I had this habit of trying to visualize what our vacation spot might look like when we went on our family trips. Usually imagining incorrectly, I grew out of these childish games and accepted the situation as it was.
The Pharisees could not accept anything that deviated from their training and cultural bonds. No matter what signs Jesus performed, unless they were within the narrow scope of their preconceived notions, Our Lord would never be joyfully welcomed. We must not allow our minds to limit ourselves to a set of preconceived solutions and ideas.
Lord, help me see how humanism can be detrimental to Your loving truth.
February 16, 2010 Tuesday
Being Refined and Strengthen
Today, I am told that all our earthly desires, temptations, tests are from the Evil one. We must always be on guard and pray for ourselves and others. Temptations, especially, the small ones, abound in our culture. It’s so easy to keep quiet when we’re given too much change or undercharged.
God is the source of all that is good but why does He permit evil to occur? The question will never be answered in this now. We are like a child learning to ride a bicycle, who will fall, then learn how to fall and eventually learn to ride. He can see when evil interferes with our paths; however, we usually do not see God injecting Himself on a more subtle level. We do not see Jesus removing those boulders that block the road.
May I grow and see the positives when calamities strike. Rise above when temptation enters.
February 17, 2010 Wednesday Ash Wednesday
Time to Review
When I was younger, ashes represented the simplistic views of childhood. Now it is time to seek deeper meanings, of my human failings. It is time for inner contemplation of those special relationships and their reflection upon my spiritually. Lent can be the time to review our understanding of what it means to be Catholic and how it should interact with those relationships. I am fortunate to have my circle of family and friends.
We are admonished in today’s reading not to be braggarts and hypocrites, however we live in a society that measures and compares an individuals’ level of success. For example, television is loaded with junk reality shows that force strangers to top each other in degrading activities. Our deep spirituality should reflect what we do in all our activities.
May this Season of Lent bring me closer to You and others, Lord.
February 18, 2009 Thursday
Today, Jesus discourses on the burdens of individual crosses. In group therapy, we ponder our suffering and ask, “Why Lord, why me, why now?’ Somewhere I read this reply, “Why not you, why not now?” Is this for some greater good not comprehensible? We help each other and struggle every day. We can become angry with God, but that is okay, He understands our pain. He was one of us.
With our crosses we may seek Him more readily and are drawn closer. Without, we may more easily succumb to this material world. I must take upon myself that the cross I bear, the things I cannot do are God’s directions to a life not yet pictured. He is pointing me down a specific path, but sometimes I wish He would show me the map.
Help me alleviate the suffering of others; this is a journey, not an end.
February 19, 200 Friday
A Continuing Facade
Today we read in Isaiah, man’s false commitment to God and tomorrow, the poem continues about the joy and treasures that awaits, if we only follow. In the New Testament, I remember Jesus telling the Pharisees the same thing. Looking around, I see today, that a lot has not changed. Why do we not follow? Is it our doubt, our insecurity, our pride and ego? It will be a different answer for each of us.
For those who enjoy reading, especially poetry, the more we know about the author and the circumstances of the published works, the more we will learn and enjoy. The history of Isaiah, given in my Bible, is too brief. Imagine how rich his writings will really be if I knew more the life and times of the author.
I possess many faults Lord, have patience and help me to follow your words.
February 20, 2009 Saturday
We are Accepted
Just imagine the shock of the Pharisees, imagine the joy of the tax collectors with our Lord’s breathtaking move in today’s Gospel. God has acted – imperfection, human weaknesses are accepted. God forgives.
Tax collectors were greatly disliked, even hated. Each had a fixed amount to collect. Funds retrieved above this amount were their profit. With the power of Rome behind their thievery, they became wealthy and despised.
A door was opened that day. They, we all belong – together. Hopefully we all can say “Here is a God that accepts our humanness. We are who we are”. As one who always felt like an outsider, this is wonderful! When I first became ill, good friends and family accepted me. I belonged somewhere. With this acceptance, the healing began.
Lord, for those who feel alone, let them be wanted, welcomed and giving.