Articles published in My Daily Visitor
February 21, 2010 Sunday
It can be Wonderful
Today, Paul writes that God holds no distinction between peoples and cultures. He shows no favoritism. Christianity may accept that today, but that has not always been the case. Human history, Christian, as well, has been filled with wars of hatred, acts of bigotry. It still continues after 2,000 years of His word. What can one person do? It starts with one person, a kind word, a small donation, teaching proper values, etc. Don’t let the hatred spread. Sow words and actions of peace.
It’s easy to feel outside cultural and social bounds. From illness to prejudice, self-esteem is easily damaged. We seek venues to ease the pain – alcohol & drugs, holding in anger and hurting ones we love and who love us. We fail and fall but not in God’s eye. We belong!
Lord, help me to follow your teachings with words and actions.
February 22, 2010 Monday The Chair of St. Peter, Apostle
Peter, fallible, emotional, unpredictable, who could have imagined a cornerstone, a rock such as this? How can someone with faults as these accomplish so much? The strengths of his character, the sheer personality of this man must have been formidable indeed. When we need to build something, we start with an item that is near perfection; for a foundation, Jesus selected Peter, one whose weakness may have only strengthened the task ahead. He saw the power of the man.
Throughout these meditations, I have written about my weaknesses, but I have not discussed the strengths of surviving with illness. As discomforting as I am, there is progress. Working two part-time jobs, living in a circle of caring family and friends there are moments of clarity, a stronger belief system, greater disciple, more love.
Let me see the strength of others, not their faults, Lord
February 23, 2010 Tuesday St. Polycarp
It’s not our God, nor our Ruler, nor our Creator, but our Father, from one who is All. He is lowering himself, becoming, the father of imperfection to an emotional, unstable race of beings who will destroy His only Son. That is forgiveness, before the act leading to the sin requiring forgiveness. As children there were times when we did not deserve to be loved. As parents, there were times we are not proud of our offspring.
For me, the difficult part of the Our Father are the words “Thy will be done”. It is so difficult to back up these words with action, giving control to the Lord. To accept the falls our Lord wants us to take – Let Go, Let God, losing the façade of controlling your destiny, living with uncertainty.
Keep on teaching me, Lord, to pray and grow in prayer and all its forms.
February 24, 2010 Wednesday
Nosey Intruders?
An outsider in a foreign land pointing out their evils, will certainly not be welcomed, but our Jonah is accepted. Surprisingly, his prophetic words are heeded. How often in our lives did an outsider point to the obvious? How often does truth come from the mouth of babes? And what kind of reception do we give them? Being a New Yorker, from Brooklyn no less, I was very cynical and suspect of good intentions – a crustiness that has mostly disappeared.
Therapy can be very difficult at times. Advice from friends and family can be stinging. Pride and ego want no part of this correction. I want to believe that I know all, but of course I don’t. An outsiders’ perspective, can literally be a life-saving one. There’s much to learn and enjoy.
Give me a little nudge, Lord, to listen and heed when others offer advice.
February 25, 2010 Thursday
Talking to God
There are many ways to pray. For me the rosary is the most powerful and the hardest, trying to keep focused and putting aside time is difficult. Prayer is a very personal action; we keep it to ourselves in this masculine culture for it can be seen as a sign of weakness. I am sure this is not the way Jesus intended. It takes strength to pray, to admit weakness, doubt, insecurity. Real men pray.
Jesus says today that our prayers are answered through God’s love for us. Is it possible our human eyes do not see and our minds cannot comprehend answers when we believe that none were given? Is it possible that answers are beyond our time and space?
Pray whenever an ambulance, police, fire truck pass by. Pray while waiting on line.
Lord, when I forget to pray tell me, when I forget how show me.
February 26, 2010 Friday
Reconciliation and Forgetting
A God that forgets our past sins, that’s what Ezekiel, “father of Judaism”, says in today’s reading. Sounds like something married couples and families do, or should. In this case one can say that our race has better memories than God. Look at how many hold grudges, people as well as nations. So much of our precious time and energy is lost when we continue to hold onto this pain. Let go, let God take charge.
We live in world of imperfection, but somehow we always expect perfection and nothing less. Under certain conditions, that is understandable. What standards are we to apply to our brothers? How long shall we continue on a path of unforgivenness? For years I was misdiagnosed. I recognized the reasons; accepted them, as enough time appears to have passed.
Lord, give me the courage to forget, forgive, let go and let You rule.
February 27, 2010 Saturday
Pro Active Faith
Can we sit back and let life just roll by? No way, according to today’s reading, for Jesus is pushing us to get closer to our true potential – Him. He wants a growing relationship not an idling one. What do we do? How many generations must pass until we truly learn? How patience is He? This is not a religion of rituals; it is one that challenges our fears, our anxieties, and our soul.
A priest once said to me that Jesus will draw us closer to Him and then step away encouraging us to take the next step. Like a toddler learning to walk, a parent will keep enticing another step – keeping distant but close enough to prevent unnecessary falls and pain. Difficult and hard to accept, but what’s the other choice?
I will try, Lord, to do my best, I will need you to lean on.
February 28, 2009 Sunday
What a Gift
We started the month with demons and the drowning of swine. We end it with the beautiful gift of the Transfiguration – a present given without being asked but certainly needed. While we view the transfiguration with knowledge of Easter; imagine what the apostles felt.
This is one of my favorite events. The dark blue night, the stars shining magnificently, the dazzling white of our Lord’s appearance, Moses and Elijah, Heaven and Earth, God, The Trinity, for one brief moment connect. All that was missing was music.
We all face moments of crises and could use an experience like the above. Being aware, one may see the gifts offered. In group, I learned about writing every night five things we can be grateful for. After a period of time ones outlook will change.
I know You are present always Holy Spirit, please help me recognize Your Grace.