Articles published in My Daily Visitor
February 15th, 2008 Friday
A Sad Power
Our anger, a raw, explosive emotion creating situations from which we may never fully extricate our self is an unfortunate part of the human condition. Today’s Old Testament reading discusses that evil acts can erase ones accomplishments. Does not anger do the same? What do we foremost remember of a person – temper or deeds? Once damage is done the past can never be fully restored. Satan enjoys exploiting our weaknesses.
As the Good News states, anger results from and can lead to other non-desirable conditions of this life. Jealously, envy, bigotry, etc., can become intertwined with anger. My condition can arouse these feelings as I see others functioning in ways I no longer can. Give it, bring it to the altar, Our Lord wants it for Himself and for us to live.
I pray I can lay this root cause of much despair at your feet, Lord.
February 16th, 2008 Saturday
The Most Difficult Love
The Gospel continues with rules on being a good disciple. As with yesterday’s, another is explored today, but let’s not forget those not preached from the pulpit. Our Lord, enhances some, rejects others. They are there to read and followed.
We must love thy enemies; loving our neighbors is no longer enough. How difficult to accept, then and now. Are we to love, pray and care for souls who willingly follow fascism, racial supremacy, infanticide? Those who kill civilians residing in total innocence? The KKK, AlQueda. Maybe it shows how far we must travel to be true disciples.
I believe many can and have been turned. Their past freely admonished. Care and pray accomplishes much. Remember, the greatest song ever written – Amazing Grace – was composed by one who dealt in the trade of human flesh.
Lord, where I am blind, show me where and how love can heal.
February 17th, 2008 Sunday
A Deep Darkness, An Unbelievable Light
Fear. It drives deep into our bones, removing all the hopes and comforts our lives may enjoy. Timothy states we must bear such with God’s given strength. The Transfiguration is reinforcement for the darkness to come.
To me the Transfiguration is the most beautiful of all the Luminous Mysteries. Unlike the casting of the demons and cattle into the sea, here we envision rays of brightness and purity, concluding as God’s voice booms with approval and satisfaction. In our own dark times would it not be wonderful to receive our own Transfiguration. My wife seems to be one of those who are able to accept many of life’s valleys thru faith in the Lord’s way. Maybe for the rest of us it is there, we just have to look deeper to find it.
Lord, can dark times be avoided? I believe not, so please, strengthen my soul.
February 18th, 2008 Monday
Human Traits to Pass Over
Some say that the Gospel of Luke is the most beautiful book ever written. Are you, like me, putting off, procrastinating until when? Every act of joy and enjoyment initially started with some effort or chore. Like a new dish to be tasted, some small effort must be undertaken. An unknown must be quantified. I’m certainly glad I didn’t refuse chocolate for some silly reason.
We hear today, in Luke, three simple lines to cease in condemnation and judgment. How easy it is to glance at someone and place an arbitrary standard on them. (How easy this lapse from judgment of the one can carry to all of the same kind/family). Is this how we want Jesus to judge our lives? There’s more than what meets the human eye. Open thy heart, remove the beam.
Lord, have Divine patience with me in the recognition, redemption and correction of my faults.
February 19th, 2008 Tuesday
Every Day Advice
“Lead by example.” “Do as I say not as I do.” We are familiar with these phrases. They survive generations because of their underlying truth. As a father and husband, I try to follow the former, but the latter sometimes applies. The Lord knows my weaknesses. He wants us to recognize them, and at least try to improve. We must be aware of how our behavior affects so many. Our actions can be such a wonderful light for those around us.
Isaiah states how one should behave and Jesus admonishes those given the responsibilities of leadership but do not heed the Prophets. In only a few other places does our Lord’s anger compare. They have miserably failed in their mission in life. Do they not understand what’s at stake? Do we know our responsibilities?
Correcting old habits are difficult Lord; help ease this path to Your perfection
February 20th, 2008 Wednesday
Patience, Frustration and Serving
Divine patience. That is definitely what Jesus has. Today, He tells his disciples of His imminent suffering and death and the next verse they argue who shall sit at the place of honor. Not only are they talking on a physical level, but still fail to grasp His teachings and love.
We’ve all experienced frustration, especially in dealing with children. And that is what the apostles were and who we are as God’s creation – children who must obey and love God as God loves us.
There can be so much pleasure out of serving. Our culture of having, degenerates these wonderful acts. Personally, doing the little things for others can be energizing. It creates wonderful feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment for a God who requires so little – just love each other.
Guide me, gently, by Thy will toward others, rejecting the urgings of our culture.
February 21st, 2008 Thursday (St. Peter Damian, bishop & doctor of the church)
With the human condition’s many imperfections, there are times when we lapse into disrepair, where discipline and intention are lost. For individuals and their institutions, these are times for someone to come to the forefront and reestablish the goals and purpose. Circa 1000, our church had Fr. Peter Damian. I have my wife. We must be thankful for having the right person coming at the right time. God provides, we must ask and desire.
Jeremiah, warns us in today’s reading about the perishable ness of earthly things, but also shows us the strength and comfort of Faith, freely offered. This is something I must keep reminding myself – the quick fixes of today and this world exist only in the now. Our society is like the products it makes – disposable. Remember your soul. Remember the goal.
Lord, I thank You and know someone will come into my life when needed.